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Major Hiphocalypse Website Update


18 June 2004 No Comment

The Hiphocalypse is considered the truest representation of raw street level hip hop culture in Grahamstown and surrounding areas. As the National Arts Festival draws closer the movement gets larger as evidenced by this MAJOR site update.

We at the Hiphocalypse believe "hip hop is the lens through which the all seeing, all knowing metaphysical third eye can be awakened making one’s world view greater allowing us all to seperate the real from the flimsy fascades of this fickle world that blinded us all for far too long".

To ensure you are not "third eye blind" we urge everyone to log onto the hiphocalypse website www.hiphocalypse.co.nr and update your world view starting in the cultural Mecca known as Grahamstown.

We have added album reviews, bios, downloadable tracks, tracklistings and Hip hop news from all over the world of hip hop to the site this week. There will be regular updates every week so make sure you are locked to the Hiphocalypse

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