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Topics - Young Zooloo

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General Discussion / Yung Zulu aka Shaka Zulu
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:05:00 PM »
The Modern-day Warrior

Destiny can be delayed but it cannot be denied!

Big things coming, new mistake coming in November in my vernacular lingo from now on!
Kasi Rap Music
The Greatest

this track is all about believing in yourself that u can get anything that u want!

Believe in U


search for Young Zooloo...

this track is all about believing in yourself that u can get anything that u want!

Believe in U


General Discussion /
« on: March 02, 2010, 01:11:42 PM »
Evil will only truimph when good man dont do sh!t...

I know there are real niccas out here who r not about kissing each others a**es but givin real and constructive responses. But when they dont respond its only fair to a**ume AG is full of dicksuckers.

Dont be mad at me, im just a mesanger!!!

Goodbye yellobrick road

AG aint worth it...REAL TALK!!!


General Discussion / Power!
« on: February 23, 2010, 12:10:19 PM »
Influence is the cornerstone of power...people support and emulate what they believe to be the way forward to better days. I have countless discussions with random people on why they think our artists whether musicians or actors etc arent as effective as those overseas and the common response is their lack of the ability to lead by example and thus being Influential in their own rite.

This entertainment industry of ours is full of disappointments because art is what creates a sense of culture. Thats why our generation supports and emulates foreign culture because of its power to Influence.

I aint gona point any fingers no more cos thats fighting a loosing battle. What i am gona say tho is music is who i am but there is more to me than music and im pursuing other ventures outside the music arena and when i do decide to make music it will purely be at my own choice, i will fund myself and look to no one to help me get to where i want to be artistically.

First get The Money, The Power, then u get the Respect.


General Discussion / irrelevant discussions
« on: October 11, 2009, 09:09:06 PM »
The discussions that go on here are all irrelevant at best to say the least...
From an inspired being...Real Talk!!!

General Discussion / The Greatest Rapper Alive...
« on: October 11, 2009, 08:36:27 PM »
What makes a Great rapper? One who paints pictures with words...stays true to himself " Keeps it Real" and understands that cool is as cool does!!!

If u being urself aint cool then u just aint cool...dont try to imitate others style and try to pa** it off as ur own, Real Recognise Real...

The industry is boring and non profitable on a large scale...if u in a position of power within the Hip Hop community u should be ashamed of urself

Fukc u!!!

The Greatest Rapper Alive" Young Zooloo"...Much luv to Weezy and Jay-Z my only competition...


General Discussion / Right or Wrong
« on: August 28, 2009, 05:01:55 PM »
There is no free will if to exercise it in certain ways produces punishment, that would make it counterfeit free will...therefore there is no right or wrong only that which u choose to experience.


General Discussion / Fundamentals of a Man.
« on: June 11, 2009, 11:13:29 AM »
Heita my good people...

Picture this...uve got ur Shelter on lock down, uve got ur Punane on lock down and u making moves and gettin ur money paying ur own way!!! Where would u find time to hate...?

These are fundamentals that every man needs to adhere to if u have any chance of escaping the feel sorry for urself mentality and start focusing on REAl challenges that make u grow as a person. So everytime u meet a 'man' who stresses know that he aint got his fundamentals on lock therefore he stresses about shit that no man should ever have to stress about. Once ur fundamentals are in order u start focusing on REAL world hunger, xenophobic attacks, world peace and how to make a positive change in the world and leave a legacy that will be here until the end of time. For that to happen u gotta work harder than the everage man.

Get urs...i mean that in more ways than one/ so dont excuse the pun!!!



The Toll Takers of Ancient Times

Endless. Based upon word usage in past and present, I have discovered that the history about the aboriginal Greeks will probably go on forever and is still in the making. They belong to Shem, the high priest of the world after Noah and just because the adversary has manipulated words over time in order to confuse and control certain people, it does not mean that people cease to exist. The Zulu people are defined as being in South Africa today but, why has their origins not been made clear? They did not just appear in Africa. Common sense may tell us that the ancient Greeks were probably black but without script, the truth becomes evasive and then invisible. Without script, it seems as if we cease to be. The collective term, ‘Greek’ has lost its origins but, it was a broad term that describes the earliest ‘people’, La Dene, that migrated from Turkey and began to live along ‘the creeks’ [Greek-Creek] and riverbeds of the land. The word ‘Greek’ with ‘the letter C’ [i.e. Creon, Crete, Croesus, Creole...] then gives it a more complete definition in regards to the earliest civilizations that developed in Europe and their a**ociation with creeks and waterways. Upon this point though, it becomes important to state that, unless the origins of the earliest Greeks are made clear in script then, it will become difficult and almost impossible to understand the true history of the Greeks because of the many different kinds of people that became apart of their world in these early times. The Greeks did not come over to their inherited lands alone. Also, the geographical history of this earth becomes another crucial point that marks history very well especially for the earliest Greek civilizations. Why? Because scientific evidence proves that humanity cannot remain constant when certain major catastrophic events occur. Change becomes inevitable.

Certain major phenomena have caused so much widespread damages that they mark time well and prove that certain civilizations could not have remained unaffected. One such event that helps to better pinpoint early Greek history would be when the earth split. Although secular historians offer an evasive origin and they record this global disaster to have occurred millions of years ago, the Bible gives the time to be prior to the year 2016 B.C. and by the time of the death of a certain descendant of Shem; Peleg Shem. In fact, the very name of ‘Peleg’ defines this great time of change in the word ‘archipelago’ which means ‘a group of many island chains’[SEE Webster for, ‘archipelago’]! This date amazingly agrees with secular history and marks a great time of change in the Greek world. By the turn of that millennium, history and archeological records prove that there were well formed post-flood Greek cultures that came after the Stone age constructions in ancient Europe and, that had existed for about 250 to 300 years prior to the Great Earthquake of which marks, not only Greek history but, other happenings as well. When certain archeological similarities across the Mediterranean world are considered it soon becomes apparent that the land of Greece was heavily influenced by the Hamites and shows a progression of events. Prior to the Great Earthquake, the people of the land soon became organized into distinct groups a**ociated with ‘a horse culture’ and eventually, the amba**adors [Dors] of Cush-Ham began to develop Greek lands based upon the first great civilization of Babylon. Unlike the Hamitic kings who ruled their own lands by inherited rights, the early Greeks formed their cultures based upon ‘a shared system’ [leagues] of which later became known as ‘city-state’ societies. But, Hamitic kings did not seek to dominate the Semitic people so, the presence of the early Hamites became a beneficial existence up until the time when the An worshipers began to seek supreme dominion over all lands, a time which occurred before the earth split. Before then, however and because the Hamites were the first post-flood kings to upgrade humanity in so many ways, they even become the very backbone of Greek script form. However, the earliest Greeks went from being collectively known as Creek people to being known as ‘the Dene’ [var. Nadene, Bernadine, Berians, La-Dine, Ludino, Danube, Adana...] and then they became known by their unique societies and the palace communities that began to be built up by the Chaldeans of Cush-Ham, the masters at architecture. But after the earth split, the Greek Isles were born and new architectural events such as ‘the irrigation system’ constructed in ancient (Crete) Minoah marks a transfer of ideas from the collapsed civilizations of Cush-Babylon into a new Greek world.

Because modern day historians deliberately skip over this beginning foundation of Greek history, the aboriginal Greeks are always and conveniently covered up under the many other names of people that became apart of their lands. A closer look at some records do attest to the fact that the early Minoan Greeks [Minoah; Nim-min; of Nimrod Ham] of whom became later known as ‘the Dorian Greeks’ [Nimrod-dor; Dorian], ‘the Spartan Dorians’ and also, the Laconic Greeks [Lach-Chaldeans; Blacks], they were not the original Greeks. They were from Chaldea [present-day Iraq]. But no obvious information has seemingly been offered. Another very important and dominant kind of early people that brings much confusion to understanding early Greek history are ‘the Apollo Greeks’ [Jap-Ollo] and there were very many groups that stem from this collective term. The account of their major contributions have been so segmented that it prevents the true Greeks of Shem from becoming evident but it can surface. Even though the Apollo Greeks, the Minoah Greeks and so many others became an early part of Greek history and, even though the Minoans became the foundation of architecture and design of early Greek times, the true Greeks were still distinct. Indeed, their history becomes so extensive that it becomes overwhelming and would take a long time to unfold. One of the best approaches, I believe, to uncover so many thousands of years of hidden Greek history would be to connect them to their lands and to research certain words and names that are used to define them. By this approach, it becomes more and more clear that these early descendants of Shem had eventually spread out all over the world even in the earliest of times and one incredible name that links them to their original history and that ties them so firmly to the past and present would the name of , ‘Luz’ [Luz-Zulu].

Not only were the Luz people listed in the Bible to be the earliest civilization in a certain area in ‘the Middle East’ even before the Israelites existed but by the time after the Biblical Exodus, there was an intense account written in the Book of Judges that occurred between a man of the city of Luz [also known as Bethel] and the men of Joseph [Ephraim]. The outcome of this encounter that occurred in the 1300s after the death of Joshua and, between the Pirates of Joseph and this man of Luz [i.e. Lusitanian] leads to an attachment to their original inherited land of Turkey and, to their earlier name of which also travels through time for thousands of years up until these modern times; LYDIA [Ludia; Lud Shem]. This man of Luz left ‘the Middle East’ and went back to West Turkey, and named a region, Luz/Lydia, of which remained on the maps for thousands of years. But the entire country of modern day Turkey was originally called ‘ANATOLIA’ and written originally on maps as ‘ANADOLU’ and reveals that hundreds of years prior even at that time, it was the land of Lud Shem. The descendants of Lud Shem and other unique Luds such as the Luz became the first ‘Toll takers’ in their lands that frustrated the people of An. They, along with so many other Greek people became the victims of ‘anti-Semitism’ due to the An worshipers who came with supremacist ideals. The Luz people became severely suppressed by the Hittites and An worshipers from the east of whom eventually dominated ancient Turkey even before the earth split. Most historians admit that the Hittite city called ‘Hattusa’ [Khatti-Lusa] in Central Turkey was named after the original inhabitants but they also state that they don’t know who they were[?]. Scholars also state that there was an earlier people, the Luwian [Ludwian], of whom had a unique script form but then too, they claim ambiguity concerning the origins of it. Hundreds of years after the fall of Hattusa, this region of Central Turkey became temporarily known as, Phrygia [var. Ephrygia, Free-gia, Frisian...Friday], a collective name for the Greeks at that time.

In Conclusion, by the early time that mankind began to spread out from the country of Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea regions, these early Luz people of Anadolu had already formed and migrated from Turkey into Southern Europe and formed another shared civilization with the Nubians of North Africa. It was in this region that they became known as ‘Lusitanian’ and they spread out all across certain areas of Europe. So even before the earth split, the Luz people were already a distinct Greek people long before they became confined to the definition of being only, ‘the Zulu people’ of South Africa! The Luz people became so vast that, today, their names are still on the maps all over this world. The people of the Philippines, this very day, call themselves ‘the Luzon’ and the aboriginal people can be seen in some books with a deep, dark complexion, with afro-hair and are known as ‘Negritos’. The history of these ancient Greeks also align with the history of Hawaii and the very ‘gra** skirts’ and ‘mating dance’ connects to the Zulu maidens of the past! The original Hawaiian dance can best be seen probably, in South Africa where it would be fittingly called ‘the Zulu dance’!--Stolen history! It would take a long time to correct true history. But lastly, when I look at a British film production about the famous South African leader named, Shaka Zulu*, it seems to paint an uncanny bridge between past and present. Although the film becomes hard to watch due to the deliberate concentrations on the historical, violent acts that, in my opinion, exploits the beautiful actors and actresses with the aim to caste down hope for peace and Black beauty and, although the lead actor, the late Henry Cele,--[Bronze perfection!]--does not seem to look like the actual leader, ironically, he paints an image that connects the past to the present. The history of Shaka Zulu seems to show that it includes a heavy presence of Indian experiences with root names such as ‘Guni’, ‘Nandhi’ and etc. In my opinion, this film too, has a lot of deep seeded, underlying deception and biting mockery, for example, the scene with Shaka Zulu and a horse which gives a false illusion that the Zulus had for the first time become acquainted with the horse when in fact, that was apart of their very origins! Another cryptic issue was likening the Zulus to the ancient “Spartan army”, a phrase that might cause an uninformed person perhaps, to enjoy the film but later, go to school and ask their instructor, ‘Was there were ever any black Greeks before the Spartans’?!

Hot Traxxx / The Afrotapes Vol.1
« on: May 17, 2009, 07:27:17 PM »
Check out for more info.

Shit gets clearer as i get older...

General Discussion / Jozi in the US
« on: February 28, 2009, 04:23:03 PM »
Big ups to Jozi

Jozi reppin us in the US... I have come to respect others talents without comparing them to myself or others! We cant all be the same and we shouldnt be.

Much respect to Jozi... The only corner of the universe u r certain of changin is ur own, being frustrated about other peoples failures or achievements shows how much u still to grow as an individual!

Much Love to all of Yall Motherf***ers...i got nutn but luv for u!!!


General Discussion / New World Order
« on: February 28, 2009, 11:50:08 AM »
World Leader

Is Barak Obama for real or is all this a facade. Is America pullin a fast one on us to make us believe that Barak is the first World Leader of the New World thereafter they will bring the intended recepients of this World they tryin to create. They say that success lies in the hands of the few that know the whole truth.

They wonder why we roam around like lost souls/ Too many truths untold/

I am a law unto myself... You r what u believe, so whateva u make ur truth becomes ur destiny..."ur reality".

Stay true to what u believe in...its all u have!!!

Hip Hop Events / VIP Virgin Party
« on: November 27, 2008, 06:36:22 PM »

If u not going to the Metros this Sat, u gotta be doing something. Come thru and see the Young One do his thing!!! New tracks from the upcoming mixtape The Afrotape Vol 1.

VIP Virgin PArty - Nov 29th - Sat.!!


General Discussion / UNA
« on: November 25, 2008, 02:21:29 PM »
I have a dream...UNA ( United Nations of Afrika )

I have a dream of seeing Afrika as one with one president, one common goal and united in Love. Together we stand, devided we fall! The injustices occuring in Afrika not only caused by outside forces but coming from within. The greatest fight any man can ever go thru is a fight that goes on within. Once we reach a place where we @ peace with within no matter the outside forces, only than can we influence our surroundings. Forget Ethinicity, traditions, religions, cultures etc bcos we all existed b4 all of these existed. They dont make u who u r but only give u a foundation to build on and if u r not motivated by love and respect, whateva ur background u cant claim to have anybodys interest at heart.

Dream big...its the only thing that stirs ur soul! Peace...


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