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Book heads

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A pimp named Sarkozy:
Any new interesting books you read this year?  The book called Secret is one of the corniest books iv ever read. One of the extracts from the book goes like"Believe you going to receive money and watch magic happens" i just threw the book away by reading the books. There are best authors who are masters at writing those kind of books like Kiyosaki and Napoleon Hill id rather check their books instead. Mbeki Legacy and Trump new book Think Big and Kiss a**.

maybe it would be quite nice to have a book section hey. or is that too much to ask.

for the 'heads' ;)

da kid x:
Lol..dont even bother..da last book i read came out 4years ago..author proverb..did i meantion it had a tune..

yeah well maybe thats why we need to be getting you reading hey.

then you can be an all round 'head' ;)

get "OFF DA BOOKS" ya'll!! (See what I did there)


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